

We love the Wii in our house. Especially Zoe. Anyway, yesterday, Zoe and one of her friends were doing Wii Fit. They were doing Yoga poses, and I looked up to see Holden looking at her, then the tv, then her, and smiling. Then he started trying to do the pose, too. Gross motor imitation, yay!!!

I was doing the step aerobics with Wii Fit and he was trying to step with me. Again, most imitation! He's been doing great with that lately.

He's also saying the sounds of the letters with Leapfrog's Letter Factor DVD. He's had it for months now, but he's just starting to do all the sounds. I've decided to let him watch this one at least twice a day...

Suppository day today. Although I hate putting him through it, I also look forward to suppository days because I know it's helping.


Anonymous said...

That is so cute that he was immatating! Way to go Holden. It's those little things that add up to a lot. Gavin is a HUGE Wii fan. John even taught him to use the Wii wheel so he can play mario cart.

kasey said...

Thats cool he's trying. Im working on getting one for our house. The mikel tries to play the one at his grandma's.

kasey said...

The wii really!! Im going to have to give that one a shot. Got any ideas on potty traing? Hes 6 and will be in kindergarten next year and Im so wanting to get this out of the way by then.