
a lot going on

Since my last post, Holden has had his 2nd IV DMPS session. He seems to be tolerating it well, I think. Some things we've noticed that he also did after the 1st IV - his appetite seems to decrease for a few days (which is not normal for him), he's a bit spacey, and he's very stimmy. Once all of this cleared up last time, he made some good progress and started doing things we'd never seen him do before. Good things. So, we'll see how the next few days go.

I know I don't write about much, other than Holden and his treatments. But, lately, we've been concerned about Zoe. She's had 3 episodes in the last 5 weeks or so. She'll wake up at around 4am and throw up. Then, she will continue to throw up every 10 minutes or so until around 5, 5:30am. No other symptoms. No fever. She feels fine the next day, and just before the "episode". It's strange. I've taken her to the doctor, who has ordered an EEG. We take her to the children's hospital tomorrow for the test. It's to rule out seizures. I pray she doesn't have seizures, and I pray that this goes away. She's such a trooper, that kid. I know when I was younger (and even now), I would get upset when I got sick. Lots of drama! But, with her, she just gets up and takes care of it on her own. Sometimes she doesn't even tell me she's sick. She never complains about it. She's awesome. Anyway, hoping we get to the bottom of what's going on with her soon. Poor chicken.

1 comment:

kelly said...

i hope tomorrow goes well for zoe! thinking of you.