

I've been slacking lately, keeping up on things here. Actually, I've just been busy as hell. Dietrich's been traveling NONSTOP for the past few weeks with work and I've been trying to be a single parent and it just sucks.

So, here's an update on everything:

After a horrible week last week, Holden's been WONDERFUL this week. I don't know what brought about the change. The only things I've done different - I backed off of the Taurine, and I did a DMSA suppository challenge test on Sunday. But, as it always seems, anything he has a period of regression, he always comes out of it better than before he went into it. One of the pieces of the puzzle I guess. His therapist said today that he's done great all week. He even initiated play today for the 1st 15 minutes of his session. He went into the ballpit room and played and worked in there without any problems or wanting to leave that room for 15 minutes. She said he also initiated going into another room (he has problems with transitioning from 1 room to another at the clinic) by going up to a door and saying "open". When I got there to pick him up, he looked at me and said "pee". He kept saying it over and over and then laid on the floor. He's done that twice this week at home and it didn't occur to me that he would know he needs a diaper change. But, after it happening again today, I'm convinced he's telling us he needs a diaper change! He's also looking into my eyes a lot this week. Almost as if he's really studying me. Doesn't make sense, I know, but he's really looking at me. So, it's been a good week for Holden.

I took Zoe to the GI doctor on Wednesday. She's still having episodes of nausea / vomiting. The last 2 episodes (last Friday and today) have just been nausea, thankfully. The doctor brought up Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome. She said the only way to diagnose it is to rule out EVERYTHING else. So, we're having an MRI done today (as we speak, her dad took her) to make sure nothing's going on neurologically. She has loads of bloodwork that we need to do and stool samples and urine tests, and I have to schedule an upper GI. Once all those are complete, whenever that is, we'll have a more clear picture of what's causing it. She's such a trooper though, even when she's sick.

Jackson's becoming quite the little person. He's smiling and laughing and trying really hard to walk. He also says "mama" and "dada". More "dada" than anything else at this point. He's feeding himself little cookies that I break off into small pieces. Crazy how fast they grow up.

As far as our move to Dallas, we should know something by this time next week. Dietrich's final interview / presentation is on Monday. The other person that's up for the job has theirs on Tuesday, so they want to make a decision by Wednesday. Either way, we know that whatever is meant to happen ... will.

1 comment:

California Supermom said...

Sounds very busy! But I'm glad to hear your son is doing well.