
Dan! Doctor Update

Holden had an appointment with Dr. Berger last Friday. He explained the bloodtest results to us and we've added a few things to his mixture of supplements, vitamins, etc.:

-Alpha Keto Acid - this is to lower his ammonia levels (1 cap / day).
-Epsom Salt Rubs - in addition to the epsom salt baths because his sulfate levels are still too low (twice / day).
-L-Carnisone - Holden has none of this in his system and Dr. Berger explained that studies show it improves symptoms in ASD kids; so this was something he really wanted us to start. We will start 2 caps, 10 days from now, and slowly work up to 4 caps per day.

We have a repeat blood test on August 21st (joy, joy - I HATE having to stick him again) at which time he will also administer an IV dose of glutathione. He's going to start with a low dose (300 mg.) and work up to a higher dose if he shows improvement. Holden's glutathione levels were one of the lowest Dr. Berger has ever seen. He would like to repeat this level just prior to infusing with the IV dose. He said if the levels are truly as low as they show on this recent blood test - then we should see a dramatic improvement with the IV dose next month.

Our next appointment with him will be 2 weeks after the bloodtest and IV glutathione.

We discussed chelation and he explained that it's very important to get the yeast levels down before starting full chelation. If not, it could have the opposite effect. We will continue the diflucan for now and will send in another stool sample test in 2 weeks to see if the yeast has cleared up. If not, we will add at least 2 weeks of diflucan onto the month he's been on it already. This will also help with his high levels of testosterone. Dr. Berger said this could be a long term medication, but he would lower the dose if using only for maintenence.

All in all, it was a good appointment. Hopefully we will continue to see improvement in Holden. I'm hopeful.

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